1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  */
 23 package org.openjdk.skara.bots.pr;
 25 import org.openjdk.skara.forge.*;
 26 import org.openjdk.skara.host.*;
 27 import org.openjdk.skara.issuetracker.*;
 28 import org.openjdk.skara.vcs.*;
 29 import org.openjdk.skara.vcs.openjdk.Issue;
 31 import java.io.*;
 32 import java.util.*;
 33 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 34 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 35 import java.util.stream.*;
 37 class CheckRun {
 38     private final CheckWorkItem workItem;
 39     private final PullRequest pr;
 40     private final PullRequestInstance prInstance;
 41     private final List<Comment> comments;
 42     private final List<Review> allReviews;
 43     private final List<Review> activeReviews;
 44     private final Set<String> labels;
 45     private final CensusInstance censusInstance;
 46     private final Map<String, String> blockingLabels;
 47     private final IssueProject issueProject;
 49     private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("org.openjdk.skara.bots.pr");
 50     private final String progressMarker = "<!-- Anything below this marker will be automatically updated, please do not edit manually! -->";
 51     private final String mergeReadyMarker = "<!-- PullRequestBot merge is ready comment -->";
 52     private final Pattern mergeSourcePattern = Pattern.compile("^Merge ([-/\\w]+):([-\\w]+$)");
 53     private final Set<String> newLabels;
 55     private CheckRun(CheckWorkItem workItem, PullRequest pr, PullRequestInstance prInstance, List<Comment> comments,
 56                      List<Review> allReviews, List<Review> activeReviews, Set<String> labels,
 57                      CensusInstance censusInstance, Map<String, String> blockingLabels, IssueProject issueProject) {
 58         this.workItem = workItem;
 59         this.pr = pr;
 60         this.prInstance = prInstance;
 61         this.comments = comments;
 62         this.allReviews = allReviews;
 63         this.activeReviews = activeReviews;
 64         this.labels = new HashSet<>(labels);
 65         this.newLabels = new HashSet<>(labels);
 66         this.censusInstance = censusInstance;
 67         this.blockingLabels = blockingLabels;
 68         this.issueProject = issueProject;
 69     }
 71     static void execute(CheckWorkItem workItem, PullRequest pr, PullRequestInstance prInstance, List<Comment> comments,
 72                         List<Review> allReviews, List<Review> activeReviews, Set<String> labels, CensusInstance censusInstance, Map<String, String> blockingLabels,
 73                         IssueProject issueProject) {
 74         var run = new CheckRun(workItem, pr, prInstance, comments, allReviews, activeReviews, labels, censusInstance, blockingLabels, issueProject);
 75         run.checkStatus();
 76     }
 78     // For unknown contributors, check that all commits have the same name and email
 79     private boolean checkCommitAuthor(List<Commit> commits) throws IOException {
 80         var author = censusInstance.namespace().get(pr.author().id());
 81         if (author != null) {
 82             return true;
 83         }
 85         var names = new HashSet<String>();
 86         var emails = new HashSet<String>();
 88         for (var commit : commits) {
 89             names.add(commit.author().name());
 90             emails.add(commit.author().email());
 91         }
 93         return ((names.size() == 1) && emails.size() == 1);
 94     }
 96     private Optional<String> mergeSourceRepository() {
 97         var repoMatcher = mergeSourcePattern.matcher(pr.title());
 98         if (!repoMatcher.matches()) {
 99             return Optional.empty();
100         }
101         return Optional.of(repoMatcher.group(1));
102     }
104     private Optional<String> mergeSourceBranch() {
105         var branchMatcher = mergeSourcePattern.matcher(pr.title());
106         if (!branchMatcher.matches()) {
107             return Optional.empty();
108         }
109         var mergeSourceBranch = branchMatcher.group(2);
110         return Optional.of(mergeSourceBranch);
111     }
113     // Additional bot-specific checks that are not handled by JCheck
114     private List<String> botSpecificChecks() throws IOException {
115         var ret = new ArrayList<String>();
117         var baseHash = prInstance.baseHash();
118         var headHash = pr.headHash();
119         var commits = prInstance.localRepo().commits(baseHash + ".." + headHash).asList();
121         if (!checkCommitAuthor(commits)) {
122             var error = "For contributors who are not existing OpenJDK Authors, commit attribution will be taken from " +
123                     "the commits in the PR. However, the commits in this PR have inconsistent user names and/or " +
124                     "email addresses. Please amend the commits.";
125             ret.add(error);
126         }
128         if (pr.title().startsWith("Merge")) {
129             if (commits.size() < 2) {
130                 ret.add("A Merge PR must contain at least two commits that are not already present in the target.");
131             } else {
132                 if (!commits.get(0).isMerge()) {
133                     ret.add("The top commit must be a merge commit.");
134                 }
136                 var sourceRepo = mergeSourceRepository();
137                 var sourceBranch = mergeSourceBranch();
138                 if (sourceBranch.isPresent() && sourceRepo.isPresent()) {
139                     try {
140                         var mergeSourceRepo = pr.repository().forge().repository(sourceRepo.get()).orElseThrow(() ->
141                                 new RuntimeException("Could not find repository " + sourceRepo.get())
142                         );
143                         try {
144                             var sourceHash = prInstance.localRepo().fetch(mergeSourceRepo.url(), sourceBranch.get());
145                             if (!prInstance.localRepo().isAncestor(commits.get(1).hash(), sourceHash)) {
146                                 ret.add("The merge contains commits that are not ancestors of the source");
147                             }
148                         } catch (IOException e) {
149                             ret.add("Could not fetch branch `" + sourceBranch.get() + "` from project `" +
150                                             sourceRepo.get() + "` - check that they are correct.");
151                         }
152                     } catch (RuntimeException e) {
153                         ret.add("Could not find project `" +
154                                         sourceRepo.get() + "` - check that it is correct.");
155                     }
156                 } else {
157                     ret.add("Could not determine the source for this merge. A Merge PR title must be specified on the format: " +
158                             "Merge `project`:`branch` to allow verification of the merge contents.");
159                 }
160             }
161         }
163         for (var blocker : blockingLabels.entrySet()) {
164             if (labels.contains(blocker.getKey())) {
165                 ret.add(blocker.getValue());
166             }
167         }
169         return ret;
170     }
172     private void updateCheckBuilder(CheckBuilder checkBuilder, PullRequestCheckIssueVisitor visitor, List<String> additionalErrors) {
173         if (visitor.isReadyForReview() && additionalErrors.isEmpty()) {
174             checkBuilder.complete(true);
175         } else {
176             checkBuilder.title("Required");
177             var summary = Stream.concat(visitor.getMessages().stream(), additionalErrors.stream())
178                                 .sorted()
179                                 .map(m -> "- " + m)
180                                 .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
181             checkBuilder.summary(summary);
182             for (var annotation : visitor.getAnnotations()) {
183                 checkBuilder.annotation(annotation);
184             }
185             checkBuilder.complete(false);
186         }
187     }
189     private void updateReadyForReview(PullRequestCheckIssueVisitor visitor, List<String> additionalErrors) {
190         // If there are no issues at all, the PR is already reviewed
191         if (visitor.getMessages().isEmpty() && additionalErrors.isEmpty()) {
192             pr.removeLabel("rfr");
193             return;
194         }
196         // Additional errors are not allowed
197         if (!additionalErrors.isEmpty()) {
198             newLabels.remove("rfr");
199             return;
200         }
202         // Draft requests are not for review
203         if (pr.isDraft()) {
204             newLabels.remove("rfr");
205             return;
206         }
208         // Check if the visitor found any issues that should be resolved before reviewing
209         if (visitor.isReadyForReview()) {
210             newLabels.add("rfr");
211         } else {
212             newLabels.remove("rfr");
213         }
214     }
216     private String getRole(String username) {
217         var project = censusInstance.project();
218         var version = censusInstance.census().version().format();
219         if (project.isReviewer(username, version)) {
220             return "**Reviewer**";
221         } else if (project.isCommitter(username, version)) {
222             return "Committer";
223         } else if (project.isAuthor(username, version)) {
224             return "Author";
225         } else {
226             return "no project role";
227         }
228     }
230     private String formatReviewer(HostUser reviewer) {
231         var namespace = censusInstance.namespace();
232         var contributor = namespace.get(reviewer.id());
233         if (contributor == null) {
234             return reviewer.userName() + " (no known " + namespace.name() + " user name / role)";
235         } else {
236             var userNameLink = "[" + contributor.username() + "](@" + reviewer.userName() + ")";
237             return contributor.fullName().orElse(contributor.username()) + " (" + userNameLink + " - " +
238                     getRole(contributor.username()) + ")";
239         }
240     }
242     private String getChecksList(PullRequestCheckIssueVisitor visitor) {
243         return visitor.getChecks().entrySet().stream()
244                       .map(entry -> "- [" + (entry.getValue() ? "x" : " ") + "] " + entry.getKey())
245                       .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
246     }
248     private Optional<String> getReviewersList(List<Review> reviews) {
249         var reviewers = reviews.stream()
250                                .filter(review -> review.verdict() == Review.Verdict.APPROVED)
251                                .map(review -> {
252                                    var entry = " * " + formatReviewer(review.reviewer());
253                                    if (!review.hash().equals(pr.headHash())) {
254                                        entry += " **Note!** Review applies to " + review.hash();
255                                    }
256                                    return entry;
257                                })
258                                .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
259         if (reviewers.length() > 0) {
260             return Optional.of(reviewers);
261         } else {
262             return Optional.empty();
263         }
264     }
266     private String getStatusMessage(List<Comment> comments, List<Review> reviews, PullRequestCheckIssueVisitor visitor) {
267         var progressBody = new StringBuilder();
268         progressBody.append("## Progress\n");
269         progressBody.append(getChecksList(visitor));
271         var issue = Issue.fromString(pr.title());
272         if (issueProject != null && issue.isPresent()) {
273             var allIssues = new ArrayList<Issue>();
274             allIssues.add(issue.get());
275             allIssues.addAll(SolvesTracker.currentSolved(pr.repository().forge().currentUser(), comments));
276             progressBody.append("\n\n## Issue");
277             if (allIssues.size() > 1) {
278                 progressBody.append("s");
279             }
280             progressBody.append("\n");
281             for (var currentIssue : allIssues) {
282                 var iss = issueProject.issue(currentIssue.id());
283                 if (iss.isPresent()) {
284                     progressBody.append("[");
285                     progressBody.append(iss.get().id());
286                     progressBody.append("](");
287                     progressBody.append(iss.get().webUrl());
288                     progressBody.append("): ");
289                     progressBody.append(iss.get().title());
290                     progressBody.append("\n");
291                 } else {
292                     progressBody.append("⚠️ Failed to retrieve information on issue `");
293                     progressBody.append(currentIssue.id());
294                     progressBody.append("`.\n");
295                 }
296             }
297         }
299         getReviewersList(reviews).ifPresent(reviewers -> {
300             progressBody.append("\n\n## Approvers\n");
301             progressBody.append(reviewers);
302         });
304         return progressBody.toString();
305     }
307     private String updateStatusMessage(String message) {
308         var description = pr.body();
309         var markerIndex = description.lastIndexOf(progressMarker);
311         if (markerIndex >= 0 && description.substring(markerIndex).equals(message)) {
312             log.info("Progress already up to date");
313             return description;
314         }
315         var newBody = (markerIndex < 0 ?
316                 description :
317                 description.substring(0, markerIndex)).trim() + "\n" + progressMarker + "\n" + message;
319         // TODO? Retrieve the body again here to lower the chance of concurrent updates
320         pr.setBody(newBody);
321         return newBody;
322     }
324     private String verdictToString(Review.Verdict verdict) {
325         switch (verdict) {
326             case APPROVED:
327                 return "changes are approved";
328             case DISAPPROVED:
329                 return "more changes needed";
330             case NONE:
331                 return "comment added";
332             default:
333                 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown verdict: " + verdict);
334         }
335     }
337     private void updateReviewedMessages(List<Comment> comments, List<Review> reviews) {
338         var reviewTracker = new ReviewTracker(comments, reviews);
340         for (var added : reviewTracker.newReviews().entrySet()) {
341             var body = added.getValue() + "\n" +
342                     "This PR has been reviewed by " +
343                     formatReviewer(added.getKey().reviewer()) + " - " +
344                     verdictToString(added.getKey().verdict()) + ".";
345             pr.addComment(body);
346         }
347     }
349     private Optional<Comment> findComment(List<Comment> comments, String marker) {
350         var self = pr.repository().forge().currentUser();
351         return comments.stream()
352                        .filter(comment -> comment.author().equals(self))
353                        .filter(comment -> comment.body().contains(marker))
354                        .findAny();
355     }
357     private String getMergeReadyComment(String commitMessage, List<Review> reviews, boolean rebasePossible) {
358         var message = new StringBuilder();
359         message.append("@");
360         message.append(pr.author().userName());
361         message.append(" This change can now be integrated. The commit message will be:\n");
362         message.append("```\n");
363         message.append(commitMessage);
364         message.append("\n```\n");
366         message.append("- If you would like to add a summary, use the `/summary` command.\n");
367         message.append("- To list additional contributors, use the `/contributor` command.\n");
369         var divergingCommits = prInstance.divergingCommits();
370         if (divergingCommits.size() > 0) {
371             message.append("\n");
372             message.append("Since the source branch of this PR was last updated there ");
373             if (divergingCommits.size() == 1) {
374                 message.append("has been 1 commit ");
375             } else {
376                 message.append("have been ");
377                 message.append(divergingCommits.size());
378                 message.append(" commits ");
379             }
380             message.append("pushed to the `");
381             message.append(pr.targetRef());
382             message.append("` branch:\n");
383             var commitList = divergingCommits.stream()
384                     .map(commit -> " * " + commit.hash().hex() + ": " + commit.message().get(0))
385                     .collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
386             message.append(commitList);
387             message.append("\n\n");
388             if (rebasePossible) {
389                 message.append("Since there are no conflicts, your changes will automatically be rebased on top of the ");
390                 message.append("above commits when integrating. If you prefer to do this manually, please merge `");
391                 message.append(pr.targetRef());
392                 message.append("` into your branch first.\n");
393             } else {
394                 message.append("Your changes cannot be rebased automatically without conflicts, so you will need to ");
395                 message.append("merge `");
396                 message.append(pr.targetRef());
397                 message.append("` into your branch before integrating.\n");
398             }
399         }
401         if (!ProjectPermissions.mayCommit(censusInstance, pr.author())) {
402             message.append("\n");
403             var contributor = censusInstance.namespace().get(pr.author().id());
404             if (contributor == null) {
405                 message.append("As you are not a known OpenJDK [Author](http://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#author), ");
406             } else {
407                 message.append("As you do not have Committer status in this project, ");
408             }
410             message.append("an existing [Committer](http://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#committer) must agree to ");
411             message.append("[sponsor](http://openjdk.java.net/sponsor/) your change. ");
412             var candidates = reviews.stream()
413                                     .filter(review -> ProjectPermissions.mayCommit(censusInstance, review.reviewer()))
414                                     .map(review -> "@" + review.reviewer().userName())
415                                     .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
416             if (candidates.length() > 0) {
417                 message.append("Possible candidates are the reviewers of this PR (");
418                 message.append(candidates);
419                 message.append(") but any other Committer may sponsor as well. ");
420             }
421             if (rebasePossible) {
422                 message.append("\n\n");
423                 message.append("- To flag this PR as ready for integration with the above commit message, type ");
424                 message.append("`/integrate` in a new comment. (Afterwards, your sponsor types ");
425                 message.append("`/sponsor` in a new comment to perform the integration).\n");
426             }
427         } else if (rebasePossible) {
428             if (divergingCommits.size() > 0) {
429                 message.append("\n");
430             }
431             message.append("- To integrate this PR with the above commit message, type ");
432             message.append("`/integrate` in a new comment.\n");
433         }
434         message.append(mergeReadyMarker);
435         return message.toString();
436     }
438     private String getMergeNoLongerReadyComment() {
439         var message = new StringBuilder();
440         message.append("@");
441         message.append(pr.author().userName());
442         message.append(" This change is no longer ready for integration - check the PR body for details.\n");
443         message.append(mergeReadyMarker);
444         return message.toString();
445     }
447     private void updateMergeReadyComment(boolean isReady, String commitMessage, List<Comment> comments, List<Review> reviews, boolean rebasePossible) {
448         var existing = findComment(comments, mergeReadyMarker);
449         if (isReady) {
450             var message = getMergeReadyComment(commitMessage, reviews, rebasePossible);
451             if (existing.isEmpty()) {
452                 pr.addComment(message);
453             } else {
454                 pr.updateComment(existing.get().id(), message);
455             }
456         } else {
457             existing.ifPresent(comment -> pr.updateComment(comment.id(), getMergeNoLongerReadyComment()));
458         }
459     }
461     private void checkStatus() {
462         var checkBuilder = CheckBuilder.create("jcheck", pr.headHash());
463         var censusDomain = censusInstance.configuration().census().domain();
464         Exception checkException = null;
466         try {
467             // Post check in-progress
468             log.info("Starting to run jcheck on PR head");
469             pr.createCheck(checkBuilder.build());
470             var localHash = prInstance.commit(censusInstance.namespace(), censusDomain, null);
472             // Try to rebase
473             boolean rebasePossible = true;
474             var ignored = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter());
475             var rebasedHash = prInstance.rebase(localHash, ignored);
476             if (rebasedHash.isEmpty()) {
477                 rebasePossible = false;
478             } else {
479                 localHash = rebasedHash.get();
480             }
482             // Determine current status
483             var visitor = prInstance.executeChecks(localHash, censusInstance);
484             var additionalErrors = botSpecificChecks();
485             updateCheckBuilder(checkBuilder, visitor, additionalErrors);
486             updateReadyForReview(visitor, additionalErrors);
488             // Calculate and update the status message if needed
489             var statusMessage = getStatusMessage(comments, activeReviews, visitor);
490             var updatedBody = updateStatusMessage(statusMessage);
492             // Post / update approval messages (only needed if the review itself can't contain a body)
493             if (!pr.repository().forge().supportsReviewBody()) {
494                 updateReviewedMessages(comments, allReviews);
495             }
497             var commit = prInstance.localRepo().lookup(localHash).orElseThrow();
498             var commitMessage = String.join("\n", commit.message());
499             var readyForIntegration = visitor.getMessages().isEmpty() && additionalErrors.isEmpty();
500             updateMergeReadyComment(readyForIntegration, commitMessage, comments, activeReviews, rebasePossible);
501             if (readyForIntegration) {
502                 newLabels.add("ready");
503             } else {
504                 newLabels.remove("ready");
505             }
506             if (!rebasePossible) {
507                 newLabels.add("outdated");
508             } else {
509                 newLabels.remove("outdated");
510             }
512             // Ensure that the ready for sponsor label is up to date
513             newLabels.remove("sponsor");
514             var readyHash = ReadyForSponsorTracker.latestReadyForSponsor(pr.repository().forge().currentUser(), comments);
515             if (readyHash.isPresent() && readyForIntegration) {
516                 var acceptedHash = readyHash.get();
517                 if (pr.headHash().equals(acceptedHash)) {
518                     newLabels.add("sponsor");
519                 }
520             }
522             // Calculate current metadata to avoid unnecessary future checks
523             var metadata = workItem.getMetadata(pr.title(), updatedBody, pr.comments(), activeReviews, newLabels, censusInstance, pr.targetHash());
524             checkBuilder.metadata(metadata);
525         } catch (Exception e) {
526             log.throwing("CommitChecker", "checkStatus", e);
527             newLabels.remove("ready");
528             checkBuilder.metadata("invalid");
529             checkBuilder.title("Exception occurred during jcheck - the operation will be retried");
530             checkBuilder.summary(e.getMessage());
531             checkBuilder.complete(false);
532             checkException = e;
533         }
534         var check = checkBuilder.build();
535         pr.updateCheck(check);
537         // Synchronize the wanted set of labels
538         for (var newLabel : newLabels) {
539             if (!labels.contains(newLabel)) {
540                 pr.addLabel(newLabel);
541             }
542         }
543         for (var oldLabel : labels) {
544             if (!newLabels.contains(oldLabel)) {
545                 pr.removeLabel(oldLabel);
546             }
547         }
549         // After updating the PR, rethrow any exception to automatically retry on transient errors
550         if (checkException != null) {
551             throw new RuntimeException("Exception during jcheck", checkException);
552         }
553     }
554 }