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266             filter:(jboolean)filter
267                xp0:(jdouble)xp0
268                xp1:(jdouble)xp1
269                xp3:(jdouble)xp3
270                yp0:(jdouble)yp0
271                yp1:(jdouble)yp1
272                yp3:(jdouble)yp3
273 {
274     _paintState = sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_TEXTURE;
275     _paintTexture = textureID;
277     _anchor.xParams[0] = xp0;
278     _anchor.xParams[1] = xp1;
279     _anchor.xParams[2] = xp3;
281     _anchor.yParams[0] = yp0;
282     _anchor.yParams[1] = yp1;
283     _anchor.yParams[2] = yp3;
284 }
286 static id<MTLSamplerState> samplerNearestClamp = nil;
287 static id<MTLSamplerState> samplerLinearClamp = nil;
288 static id<MTLSamplerState> samplerNearestRepeat = nil;
289 static id<MTLSamplerState> samplerLinearRepeat = nil;
291 void initSamplers(id<MTLDevice> device) {
292     // TODO: move this code into SamplerManager (need implement)
294     if (samplerNearestClamp != nil)
295         return;
297     MTLSamplerDescriptor *samplerDescriptor = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new];
299     samplerDescriptor.rAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge;
300     samplerDescriptor.sAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge;
301     samplerDescriptor.tAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge;
303     samplerDescriptor.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest;
304     samplerDescriptor.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest;
305     samplerNearestClamp = [device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:samplerDescriptor];
307     samplerDescriptor.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear;
308     samplerDescriptor.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear;
309     samplerLinearClamp = [device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:samplerDescriptor];
311     samplerDescriptor.rAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat;
312     samplerDescriptor.sAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat;
313     samplerDescriptor.tAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeRepeat;
315     samplerDescriptor.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest;
316     samplerDescriptor.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest;
317     samplerNearestRepeat = [device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:samplerDescriptor];
319     samplerDescriptor.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear;
320     samplerDescriptor.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterLinear;
321     samplerLinearRepeat = [device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:samplerDescriptor];
322 }
324 static void setTxtUniforms(
325         id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder> encoder, int color, int mode, int interpolation, bool repeat, jfloat extraAlpha,
326         const SurfaceRasterFlags * srcFlags, const SurfaceRasterFlags * dstFlags
327 ) {
328     struct TxtFrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(color), mode, srcFlags->isOpaque, dstFlags->isOpaque, interpolation};
329     [encoder setFragmentBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
331     id<MTLSamplerState> sampler;
332     if (repeat) {
333         sampler = interpolation == INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR ? samplerLinearRepeat : samplerNearestRepeat;
334     } else {
335         sampler = interpolation == INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR ? samplerLinearClamp : samplerNearestClamp;
336     }
337     [encoder setFragmentSamplerState:sampler atIndex:0];
338 }
340 // TODO: need support hints for all shaders
342 // For the current paint mode:
343 // 1. Selects vertex+fragment shaders (and corresponding pipelineDesc) and set pipelineState
344 // 2. Set vertex and fragment buffers
345 - (void)setPipelineState:(id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder>)encoder
346                composite:(MTLComposite *)composite
347            isStencilUsed:(jboolean)isStencilUsed
348                isTexture:(jboolean)isTexture
349            interpolation:(int)interpolation
350                     isAA:(jboolean)isAA
351                 srcFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)srcFlags
352                 dstFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)dstFlags
353     pipelineStateStorage:(MTLPipelineStatesStorage *)pipelineStateStorage
354 {
355     initTemplatePipelineDescriptors();
357     const bool stencil = isStencilUsed == JNI_TRUE;
359     id<MTLRenderPipelineState> pipelineState = nil;
360     if (isTexture) {
362       if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_TEXTURE) {
363         pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
364                                                 vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt_tp"
365                                               fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt_tp"
366                                                  compositeRule:[composite getRule]
367                                                           isAA:JNI_FALSE
368                                                       srcFlags:srcFlags
369                                                       dstFlags:dstFlags
370                                                  stencilNeeded:stencil];
371         [encoder setVertexBytes:&_anchor length:sizeof(_anchor) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
372         [encoder setFragmentTexture:_paintTexture atIndex: 1];
374         setTxtUniforms(encoder, 0, 0, interpolation, YES, [composite getExtraAlpha], srcFlags, dstFlags);

375       } else if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_GRADIENT) {
376         pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
377                                                 vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt_grad"
378                                               fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt_grad"
379                                                  compositeRule:[composite getRule]
380                                                           isAA:JNI_FALSE
381                                                       srcFlags:srcFlags
382                                                       dstFlags:dstFlags
383                                                  stencilNeeded:stencil];
384         struct GradFrameUniforms uf = {
385             {_p0, _p1, _p3},
386             RGBA_TO_V4(_pixel1),
387             RGBA_TO_V4(_pixel2)};
388         [encoder setFragmentBytes: &uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:0];
390       } else {
391         if (isAA) {
392           pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage
393               getPipelineState:templateAATexturePipelineDesc
394                 vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt"
395               fragmentShaderId:@"aa_frag_txt"
396                  compositeRule:[composite getRule]
397                           isAA:JNI_FALSE
398                       srcFlags:srcFlags
399                       dstFlags:dstFlags
400                  stencilNeeded:stencil];
402         } else {
403           pipelineState =
404               [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
405                                       vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt"
406                                     fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt"
407                                        compositeRule:[composite getRule]
408                                            composite:composite
409                                                 isAA:JNI_FALSE
410                                             srcFlags:srcFlags
411                                             dstFlags:dstFlags
412                                        stencilNeeded:stencil];
413         }
415         setTxtUniforms(encoder, _color, _paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR ? 1 : 0, interpolation, NO, [composite getExtraAlpha], srcFlags, dstFlags);

416       }
417     } else {
418         if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR) {
419             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
420                                                     vertexShaderId:@"vert_col"
421                                                   fragmentShaderId:@"frag_col"
422                                                      compositeRule:[composite getRule]
423                                                               isAA:isAA
424                                                           srcFlags:srcFlags
425                                                           dstFlags:dstFlags
426                                                      stencilNeeded:stencil];
428             struct FrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(_color)};
429             [encoder setVertexBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
430         } else if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_GRADIENT) {
431             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
432                                                     vertexShaderId:@"vert_grad"
433                                                   fragmentShaderId:@"frag_grad"
434                                                      compositeRule:[composite getRule]
435                                                               isAA:isAA

451                                               srcFlags:srcFlags
452                                               dstFlags:dstFlags
453                                          stencilNeeded:stencil];
455             [encoder setVertexBytes:&_anchor length:sizeof(_anchor) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
456             [encoder setFragmentTexture:_paintTexture atIndex: 0];
457         }
458     }
460     [encoder setRenderPipelineState:pipelineState];
461 }
464 // For the current paint mode: and for XOR composite - a separate method is added as fragment shader differ in some cases
465 // 1. Selects vertex+fragment shaders (and corresponding pipelineDesc) and set pipelineState
466 // 2. Set vertex and fragment buffers
467 - (void)setXorModePipelineState:(id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder>)encoder
468                composite:(MTLComposite *)composite
469            isStencilUsed:(jboolean)isStencilUsed
470                isTexture:(jboolean)isTexture
471            interpolation:(int)interpolation
472                 srcFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)srcFlags
473                 dstFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)dstFlags
474     pipelineStateStorage:(MTLPipelineStatesStorage *)pipelineStateStorage {
475     initTemplatePipelineDescriptors();
477     const bool stencil = isStencilUsed == JNI_TRUE;
478     jint xorColor = (jint) [composite getXorColor];
480     id<MTLRenderPipelineState> pipelineState = nil;
481     if (isTexture) {
482           pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getXorModePipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
483                                           vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt"
484                                         fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt"
485                                                 srcFlags:srcFlags
486                                                 dstFlags:dstFlags
487                                            stencilNeeded:stencil];
488         const int col = _paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR ? _color ^ xorColor : 0 ^ xorColor;
489         setTxtUniforms(encoder, col, _paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR ? 1 : 0, interpolation, NO, [composite getExtraAlpha], srcFlags, dstFlags);

490         [encoder setFragmentBytes:&xorColor length:sizeof(xorColor) atIndex: 0];
491     } else {
492         if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR) {
494             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getXorModePipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
495                                         vertexShaderId:@"vert_col"
496                                       fragmentShaderId:@"frag_col"
497                                               srcFlags:srcFlags
498                                               dstFlags:dstFlags
499                                          stencilNeeded:stencil];
501             // Calculate _color ^ xorColor for RGB components
502             // This color gets XORed with destination framebuffer pixel color
503             struct FrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(_color ^ xorColor)};
504             [encoder setVertexBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
506         } else if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_GRADIENT) {
508             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getXorModePipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
509                                         vertexShaderId:@"vert_grad"

266             filter:(jboolean)filter
267                xp0:(jdouble)xp0
268                xp1:(jdouble)xp1
269                xp3:(jdouble)xp3
270                yp0:(jdouble)yp0
271                yp1:(jdouble)yp1
272                yp3:(jdouble)yp3
273 {
274     _paintState = sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_TEXTURE;
275     _paintTexture = textureID;
277     _anchor.xParams[0] = xp0;
278     _anchor.xParams[1] = xp1;
279     _anchor.xParams[2] = xp3;
281     _anchor.yParams[0] = yp0;
282     _anchor.yParams[1] = yp1;
283     _anchor.yParams[2] = yp3;
284 }

286 // For the current paint mode:
287 // 1. Selects vertex+fragment shaders (and corresponding pipelineDesc) and set pipelineState
288 // 2. Set vertex and fragment buffers
289 - (void)setPipelineState:(id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder>)encoder
290                composite:(MTLComposite *)composite
291            isStencilUsed:(jboolean)isStencilUsed
292                isTexture:(jboolean)isTexture

293                     isAA:(jboolean)isAA
294                 srcFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)srcFlags
295                 dstFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)dstFlags
296     pipelineStateStorage:(MTLPipelineStatesStorage *)pipelineStateStorage
297 {
298     initTemplatePipelineDescriptors();
300     const bool stencil = isStencilUsed == JNI_TRUE;
302     id<MTLRenderPipelineState> pipelineState = nil;
303     if (isTexture) {
305       if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_TEXTURE) {
306         pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
307                                                 vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt_tp"
308                                               fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt_tp"
309                                                  compositeRule:[composite getRule]
310                                                           isAA:JNI_FALSE
311                                                       srcFlags:srcFlags
312                                                       dstFlags:dstFlags
313                                                  stencilNeeded:stencil];
314         [encoder setVertexBytes:&_anchor length:sizeof(_anchor) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
315         [encoder setFragmentTexture:_paintTexture atIndex: 1];
317         struct TxtFrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(0), 0, srcFlags->isOpaque,
318                                       dstFlags->isOpaque, [composite getExtraAlpha]};
319         [encoder setFragmentBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf)
320                           atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
322       } else if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_GRADIENT) {
323         pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
324                                                 vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt_grad"
325                                               fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt_grad"
326                                                  compositeRule:[composite getRule]
327                                                           isAA:JNI_FALSE
328                                                       srcFlags:srcFlags
329                                                       dstFlags:dstFlags
330                                                  stencilNeeded:stencil];
331         struct GradFrameUniforms uf = {
332             {_p0, _p1, _p3},
333             RGBA_TO_V4(_pixel1),
334             RGBA_TO_V4(_pixel2)};
335         [encoder setFragmentBytes: &uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:0];
337       } else {
338         if (isAA) {
339           pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage
340               getPipelineState:templateAATexturePipelineDesc
341                 vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt"
342               fragmentShaderId:@"aa_frag_txt"
343                  compositeRule:[composite getRule]
344                           isAA:JNI_FALSE
345                       srcFlags:srcFlags
346                       dstFlags:dstFlags
347                  stencilNeeded:stencil];
349         } else {
350           pipelineState =
351               [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
352                                       vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt"
353                                     fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt"
354                                        compositeRule:[composite getRule]
355                                            composite:composite
356                                                 isAA:JNI_FALSE
357                                             srcFlags:srcFlags
358                                             dstFlags:dstFlags
359                                        stencilNeeded:stencil];
360         }
362         if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR) {
363           struct TxtFrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(_color), 1,
364                   srcFlags->isOpaque, dstFlags->isOpaque, [composite getExtraAlpha]};
365           [encoder setFragmentBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
366         } else {
367           struct TxtFrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(0), 0,
368                   srcFlags->isOpaque, dstFlags->isOpaque, [composite getExtraAlpha]};
369           [encoder setFragmentBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
370         }
371       }
372     } else {
373         if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR) {
374             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
375                                                     vertexShaderId:@"vert_col"
376                                                   fragmentShaderId:@"frag_col"
377                                                      compositeRule:[composite getRule]
378                                                               isAA:isAA
379                                                           srcFlags:srcFlags
380                                                           dstFlags:dstFlags
381                                                      stencilNeeded:stencil];
383             struct FrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(_color)};
384             [encoder setVertexBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
385         } else if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_GRADIENT) {
386             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getPipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
387                                                     vertexShaderId:@"vert_grad"
388                                                   fragmentShaderId:@"frag_grad"
389                                                      compositeRule:[composite getRule]
390                                                               isAA:isAA

406                                               srcFlags:srcFlags
407                                               dstFlags:dstFlags
408                                          stencilNeeded:stencil];
410             [encoder setVertexBytes:&_anchor length:sizeof(_anchor) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
411             [encoder setFragmentTexture:_paintTexture atIndex: 0];
412         }
413     }
415     [encoder setRenderPipelineState:pipelineState];
416 }
419 // For the current paint mode: and for XOR composite - a separate method is added as fragment shader differ in some cases
420 // 1. Selects vertex+fragment shaders (and corresponding pipelineDesc) and set pipelineState
421 // 2. Set vertex and fragment buffers
422 - (void)setXorModePipelineState:(id<MTLRenderCommandEncoder>)encoder
423                composite:(MTLComposite *)composite
424            isStencilUsed:(jboolean)isStencilUsed
425                isTexture:(jboolean)isTexture

426                 srcFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)srcFlags
427                 dstFlags:(const SurfaceRasterFlags *)dstFlags
428     pipelineStateStorage:(MTLPipelineStatesStorage *)pipelineStateStorage {
429     initTemplatePipelineDescriptors();
431     const bool stencil = isStencilUsed == JNI_TRUE;
432     jint xorColor = (jint) [composite getXorColor];
434     id<MTLRenderPipelineState> pipelineState = nil;
435     if (isTexture) {
436           pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getXorModePipelineState:templateTexturePipelineDesc
437                                           vertexShaderId:@"vert_txt"
438                                         fragmentShaderId:@"frag_txt"
439                                                 srcFlags:srcFlags
440                                                 dstFlags:dstFlags
441                                            stencilNeeded:stencil];
443         if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR) {
444             struct TxtFrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(_color ^ xorColor), 1,
445                     srcFlags->isOpaque, dstFlags->isOpaque, [composite getExtraAlpha]};
446             [encoder setFragmentBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
447         } else {
448             struct TxtFrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(0 ^ xorColor), 0,
449                     srcFlags->isOpaque, dstFlags->isOpaque, [composite getExtraAlpha]};
450             [encoder setFragmentBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
451         }
452         [encoder setFragmentBytes:&xorColor length:sizeof(xorColor) atIndex: 0];
453     } else {
454         if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_ALPHACOLOR) {
456             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getXorModePipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
457                                         vertexShaderId:@"vert_col"
458                                       fragmentShaderId:@"frag_col"
459                                               srcFlags:srcFlags
460                                               dstFlags:dstFlags
461                                          stencilNeeded:stencil];
463             // Calculate _color ^ xorColor for RGB components
464             // This color gets XORed with destination framebuffer pixel color
465             struct FrameUniforms uf = {RGBA_TO_V4(_color ^ xorColor)};
466             [encoder setVertexBytes:&uf length:sizeof(uf) atIndex:FrameUniformBuffer];
468         } else if (_paintState == sun_java2d_SunGraphics2D_PAINT_GRADIENT) {
470             pipelineState = [pipelineStateStorage getXorModePipelineState:templateRenderPipelineDesc
471                                         vertexShaderId:@"vert_grad"
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