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  12  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  13  *
  14  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  15  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  16  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  17  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  18  * accompanied this code).
  19  *
  20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  21  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  22  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  23  *
  24  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  25  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  26  * questions.
  27  */
  28 -->
  30 <html lang="en">
  31 <head>
  32 <link href="fxml.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>    
  33 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  34 <title>Introduction to FXML | JavaFX @FXVERSION@</title>
  35 <meta name="description" content="The document introduces FXML, an XML-based declarative markup language for defining user interfaces in JavaFX @FXVERSION@ applications."/>
  36 <meta name="keywords" content="JavaFX, FXML, JavaFX GUI development, web development, Java application development, GUI applications, rich internet applications, RIA, expressive content"/>
  37 </head>
  38 <body>
  40 <div class="fx-code-header">
  41 <div class="version"><br/>Release: JavaFX @FXVERSION@</div>
  42 </div>
  44 <h1>Introduction to FXML</h1>
  45 <p class="subtitle">Last updated: 01 May 2017</p>
  47 <h2>Contents</h2>
  48 <ul class="contents">
  49 <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
  50 <li>
  51     <a href="#elements">Elements</a>
  52     <ul>

 581 <pre class="code">
 582 &lt;TextField fx:id="textField"/&gt;
 583 &lt;Label text="${textField.text}"/&gt;
 584 </pre>
 586 <p>As the user types in the text input, the label's text content will be automatically updated.</p>
 588 <p>More complex expression are also supported. A list of supported constants and operators follows:</p>
 590 <table>
 591  <caption>Constants and Operators Table</caption>
 592  <tr><th scope="col">Constant / Operator</th><th scope="col">Description</th></tr>
 593  <tr><th scope="row">"string"<br />'string'</th><td>A string constant</td></tr>
 594  <tr><th scope="row">true<br />false</th><td>A boolean constant</td></tr>
 595  <tr><th scope="row">null</th><td>A constant representing the null value</td></tr>
 596  <tr><th scope="row">50.0<br />3e5<br />42</th><td>A numerical constant</td></tr>
 597  <tr><th scope="row">- <br/>(unary operator)</th><td>Unary minus operator, applied on a number</td>
 598  <tr><th scope="row">! <br/>(unary operator)</th><td>Unary negation of a boolean</td></tr>
 599  <tr><th scope="row">+ - <br />
 600  			* /
 601  			%</th> <td>Numerical binary operators</td></tr>
 602  <tr><th scope="row">&amp;&amp; ||</th><td>Boolean binary operators</td></tr>
 603  <tr><th scope="row">&gt; &gt;= <br />
 604  		   &lt; &lt;= <br />
 605  		   == !=</th>
 606  		   <td>Binary operators of comparison.<br/> Both arguments must be of type Comparable</td></tr>
 607 </table>
 609 <h3><a id="static_property_attributes">Static Properties</a></h3>
 610 <p>Attributes representing static properties are handled similarly to static property elements and use a similar syntax. For example, the earlier <span class="code">GridPane</span> markup shown earlier to demonstrate static property elements could be rewritten as follows:</p>
 612 <pre class="code">
 613 &lt;GridPane&gt;
 614     &lt;children&gt;
 615         &lt;Label text="My Label" GridPane.rowIndex="0" GridPane.columnIndex="0"/&gt;
 616     &lt;/children&gt;
 617 &lt;/TabPane&gt;
 618 </pre>
 620 <p>In addition to being more concise, static property attributes, like instance property attributes, support location, resource, and variable resolution operators, the only limitation being that it is not possible to create an expression binding to a static property.</p>
 622 <h3><a id="event_handler_attributes">Event Handlers</a></h3>
 623 <p>Event handler attributes are a convenient means of attaching behaviors to document elements. Any class that defines a <span class="code">setOn<span class="variable">Event</span>()</span> method can be assigned an event handler in markup.</p>
 625 <p>FXML supports three types of event handler attributes: script event handlers, controller method event handlers and expressions. Each are discussed below.</p>
 627 <h4><a id="script_event_handlers">Script Event Handlers</a></h4>
 628 <p>A script event handler is an event handler that executes script code when the event is fired, similar to event handlers in HTML. For example, the following script-based handler for the button's "onAction" event uses JavaScript to write the text "You clicked me!" to the console when the user presses the button:</p>
 630 <pre class="code">
 631 &lt;?language javascript?&gt;
 632 ...
 634 &lt;VBox&gt;
 635     &lt;children&gt;
 636         &lt;Button text="Click Me!"
 637             onAction="java.lang.System.out.println('You clicked me!');"/&gt;
 638     &lt;/children&gt;
 639 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 640 </pre>
 642 <p>Note the use of the language processing instruction at the beginning of the code snippet. This PI tells the FXML loader which scripting language should be used to execute the event handler. A page language must be specified whenever inline script is used in an FXML document, and can only be specified once per document. However, this does not apply to external scripts, which may be implemented using any number of supported scripting languages. Scripting is discussed in more detail in the next section.</p>

 644 <h4><a id="controller_method_event_handlers">Controller Method Event Handlers</a></h4>
 645 <p>A controller method event handler is a method defined by a document's "controller". A controller is an object that is associated with the deserialized contents of an FXML document and is responsible for coordinating the behaviors of the objects (often user interface elements) defined by the document.</p>
 647 <p>A controller method event handler is specified by a leading hash symbol followed by the name of the handler method. For example:</p>
 649 <pre class="code">
 650 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 651     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 652     &lt;children&gt;
 653         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="#handleButtonAction"/&gt;
 654     &lt;/children&gt;
 655 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 656 </pre>
 658 <p>Note the use of the <span class="code">fx:controller</span> attribute on the root element. This attribute is used to associate a controller class with the document. If <span class="code">MyController</span> is defined as follows:</p>
 660 <pre class="code">
 661 package com.foo;
 663 public class MyController {

 683 </pre>
 685 <p>Controllers are discussed in more detail in a later section.</p>
 687 <h4><a id="expression_handlers">Event handlers from expressions</a></h4>
 688 <p>Any expression that point to a <a href="#variable_resolution">variable</a> of javafx.event.EventHandler type
 689     can be used as an expression handler. </p>
 690 <p>
 691 Previous example using an expression handler:
 692 </p>
 693 <pre class="code">
 694 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 695     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 696     &lt;children&gt;
 697         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="$controller.onActionHandler"/&gt;
 698     &lt;/children&gt;
 699 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 700 </pre>
 702 <p> With the controller that contains a field like this </p>
 704 <pre class="code">
 705 public class MyController {
 707     &#64;FXML
 708     public EventHandler&lt;ActionEvent&gt; onActionHandler = new EventHandler&lt;&gt;() { ... }
 710     ...
 711 }  
 712 </pre>
 714 <p> Note that other kinds of expressions, like <a href="#expression_binding">binding expressions</a>
 715     are not supported in this context. </p>
 717 <h4><a id="collections_and_property_handlers">Special handlers for collections and properties</a></h4>
 718 <p> Collections and object properties cannot be listen to using <span class="code">setOn<span class="variable">Event</span>()</span> methods.
 719     For these reason, special handler methods need to be used.
 720 <span class="code">ObservableList</span>, <span class="code">ObservableMap</span> or <span class="code">ObservableSet</span>
 721  uses a special <span class="code">onChange</span> attribute that points to a handler method with a <span class="code">ListChangeListner.Change</span>, <span class="code">MapChangeListener.Change</span> or <span class="code">SetChangeListener.Change</span> parameter respectively.
 722 </p>
 723 <pre class="code">
 724 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 725     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 726     &lt;children onChange="#handleChildrenChange"/&gt;
 727 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 728 </pre>
 730 where the handler method looks like this:

 747 <p>A handler for parent property would look like this</p>
 748 <pre class="code">
 749 public class MyController {
 750     public void handleParentChange(ObservableValue value, Parent oldValue, Parent newValue) {
 751         System.out.println("Parent changed!");
 752     }
 753 }
 754 </pre>
 756 <p>For convenience, the first parameter can be a subclass of <span class="code">ObservableValue</span>,
 757     e.g. <span class="code">Property</span></p>
 759 <p>For registering to a property, a special <span class="code">on&lt;propertyName&gt;Change</span>
 760 attribute must be used.</p>
 762 <pre class="code">
 763 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 764     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" onParentChange="#handleParentChange"/&gt;
 765 </pre>
 767 <p>Note that collections and properties do not currently support scripting handlers.</p>
 769 <h2><a id="scripting">Scripting</a></h2>
 770 <p>
 771 The <span class="code">&lt;fx:script&gt;</span> tag allows a caller to import scripting code into or embed script within a FXML file. Any JVM scripting language can be used, including JavaScript, Groovy, and Clojure, among others. Script code is often used to define event handlers directly in markup or in an associated source file, since event handlers can often be written more concisely in more loosely-typed scripting languages than they can in a statically-typed language such as Java.</p>
 773 <p>For example, the following markup defines a function called <span class="code">handleButtonAction()</span> that is called by the action handler attached to the <span class="code">Button</span> element:</p>

 775 <pre class="code">
 776 &lt;?language javascript?&gt;
 778 &lt;?import javafx.scene.control.*?&gt;
 779 &lt;?import javafx.scene.layout.*?&gt;
 781 &lt;VBox xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 782     &lt;fx:script&gt;
 784     function handleButtonAction(event) {
 785        java.lang.System.out.println('You clicked me!');
 786     }
 787     &lt;/fx:script&gt;
 789     &lt;children&gt;
 790         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="handleButtonAction(event);"/&gt;
 791     &lt;/children&gt;
 792 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 793 </pre>
 795 <p>Clicking the button triggers the event handler, which invokes the function, producing output identical to the previous examples.</p>
 797 <p>Script code may also be defined in external files. The previous example could be split into an FXML file and a JavaScript source file with no difference in functionality:</p>
 799 <div class="caption">example.fxml</div>
 800 <pre class="code">

 801 &lt;?import javafx.scene.control.*?&gt;
 802 &lt;?import javafx.scene.layout.*?&gt;
 804 &lt;VBox xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 805     &lt;fx:script source="example.js" charset="cp1252"/&gt;
 807     &lt;children&gt;
 808         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="handleButtonAction(event);"/&gt;
 809     &lt;/children&gt;
 810 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 811 </pre>
 813 <div class="caption">example.js</div>
 814 <pre class="code">
 816 function handleButtonAction(event) {
 817    java.lang.System.out.println('You clicked me!');
 818 }
 819 </pre>
 821 <p>It is often preferable to separate code from markup in this way, since many text editors support syntax highlighting for the various scripting languages supported by the JVM. It can also help improve readability of the source code and markup.</p>
 824 <p>Note that script blocks are not limited to defining event handler functions. Script code is executed as it is processed, so it can also be used to dynamically configure the structure of the resulting output. As a simple example, the following FXML includes a script block that defines a variable named "labelText". The value of this variable is used to populate the text property of a <span class="code">Label</span> instance:</p>
 826 <pre class="code">
 827 &lt;fx:script&gt;
 828 var myText = "This is the text of my label.";
 829 &lt;/fx:script&gt;
 831 ...
 833 &lt;Label text="$myText"/&gt;
 834 </pre>
 837 <p><strong>Warning:</strong>As of JavaFX 8, <span class="code">importClass()</span> javascript function is no longer supported. You have to use fully qualified names as in the example above or load a nashorn compatibility script.</p>
 839 <pre class="code">
 840 load("nashorn:mozilla_compat.js");
 841 importClass(java.lang.System);
 843 function handleButtonAction(event) {
 844    System.out.println('You clicked me!');
 845 }
 846 </pre> 
 848 <h2><a id="controllers">Controllers</a></h2>
 849 <p>While it can be convenient to write simple event handlers in script, either inline or defined in external files, it is often preferable to define more complex application logic in a compiled, strongly-typed language such as Java. As discussed earlier, the <span class="code">fx:controller</span> attribute allows a caller to associate a "controller" class with an FXML document. A controller is a compiled class that implements the "code behind" the object hierarchy defined by the document.</p>
 851 <p>As shown earlier, controllers are often used to implement event handlers for user interface elements defined in markup:</p>
 853 <pre class="code">
 854 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 855     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 856     &lt;children&gt;
 857         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="#handleButtonAction"/&gt;
 858     &lt;/children&gt;
 859 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 860 </pre>
 862 <pre class="code">
 863 package com.foo;
 865 public class MyController {
 866     public void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event) {

  12  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  13  *
  14  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  15  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  16  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  17  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  18  * accompanied this code).
  19  *
  20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  21  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  22  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  23  *
  24  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  25  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  26  * questions.
  27  */
  28 -->
  30 <html lang="en">
  31 <head>
  32 <link href="fxml.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  33 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
  34 <title>Introduction to FXML | JavaFX @FXVERSION@</title>
  35 <meta name="description" content="The document introduces FXML, an XML-based declarative markup language for defining user interfaces in JavaFX @FXVERSION@ applications."/>
  36 <meta name="keywords" content="JavaFX, FXML, JavaFX GUI development, web development, Java application development, GUI applications, rich internet applications, RIA, expressive content"/>
  37 </head>
  38 <body>
  40 <div class="fx-code-header">
  41 <div class="version"><br/>Release: JavaFX @FXVERSION@</div>
  42 </div>
  44 <h1>Introduction to FXML</h1>
  45 <p class="subtitle">Last updated: 01 May 2017</p>
  47 <h2>Contents</h2>
  48 <ul class="contents">
  49 <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
  50 <li>
  51     <a href="#elements">Elements</a>
  52     <ul>

 581 <pre class="code">
 582 &lt;TextField fx:id="textField"/&gt;
 583 &lt;Label text="${textField.text}"/&gt;
 584 </pre>
 586 <p>As the user types in the text input, the label's text content will be automatically updated.</p>
 588 <p>More complex expression are also supported. A list of supported constants and operators follows:</p>
 590 <table>
 591  <caption>Constants and Operators Table</caption>
 592  <tr><th scope="col">Constant / Operator</th><th scope="col">Description</th></tr>
 593  <tr><th scope="row">"string"<br />'string'</th><td>A string constant</td></tr>
 594  <tr><th scope="row">true<br />false</th><td>A boolean constant</td></tr>
 595  <tr><th scope="row">null</th><td>A constant representing the null value</td></tr>
 596  <tr><th scope="row">50.0<br />3e5<br />42</th><td>A numerical constant</td></tr>
 597  <tr><th scope="row">- <br/>(unary operator)</th><td>Unary minus operator, applied on a number</td>
 598  <tr><th scope="row">! <br/>(unary operator)</th><td>Unary negation of a boolean</td></tr>
 599  <tr><th scope="row">+ - <br />
 600                         * /
 601                         %</th> <td>Numerical binary operators</td></tr>
 602  <tr><th scope="row">&amp;&amp; ||</th><td>Boolean binary operators</td></tr>
 603  <tr><th scope="row">&gt; &gt;= <br />
 604                    &lt; &lt;= <br />
 605                    == !=</th>
 606                    <td>Binary operators of comparison.<br/> Both arguments must be of type Comparable</td></tr>
 607 </table>
 609 <h3><a id="static_property_attributes">Static Properties</a></h3>
 610 <p>Attributes representing static properties are handled similarly to static property elements and use a similar syntax. For example, the earlier <span class="code">GridPane</span> markup shown earlier to demonstrate static property elements could be rewritten as follows:</p>
 612 <pre class="code">
 613 &lt;GridPane&gt;
 614     &lt;children&gt;
 615         &lt;Label text="My Label" GridPane.rowIndex="0" GridPane.columnIndex="0"/&gt;
 616     &lt;/children&gt;
 617 &lt;/TabPane&gt;
 618 </pre>
 620 <p>In addition to being more concise, static property attributes, like instance property attributes, support location, resource, and variable resolution operators, the only limitation being that it is not possible to create an expression binding to a static property.</p>
 622 <h3><a id="event_handler_attributes">Event Handlers</a></h3>
 623 <p>Event handler attributes are a convenient means of attaching behaviors to document elements. Any class that defines a <span class="code">setOn<span class="variable">Event</span>()</span> method can be assigned an event handler in markup.</p>
 625 <p>FXML supports three types of event handler attributes: script event handlers, controller method event handlers and expressions. Each are discussed below.</p>
 627 <h4><a id="script_event_handlers">Script Event Handlers</a></h4>
 628 <p>A script event handler is an event handler that executes script code when the event is fired, similar to event handlers in HTML. For example, the following script-based handler for the button's "onAction" event uses JavaScript to write the text "You clicked me!" to the console when the user presses the button:</p>
 630 <pre class="code">
 631 &lt;?language javascript?&gt;
 632 ...
 634 &lt;VBox&gt;
 635     &lt;children&gt;
 636         &lt;Button text="Click Me!"
 637             onAction="java.lang.System.out.println('You clicked me!');"/&gt;
 638     &lt;/children&gt;
 639 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 640 </pre>
 642 <p>Note the use of the language processing instruction at the beginning of the code snippet. This PI tells the FXML loader which scripting language should be used to execute the event handler. A page language must be specified whenever inline script is used in an FXML document, and can only be specified once per document. However, this does not apply to external scripts, which may be implemented using any number of supported scripting languages. Scripting is discussed in more detail in the next section.</p>
 644 <p>Note: to turn off automatic compilation of script code place the processing instruction <span class="code">&lt;?compile false?&gt;</span> before the element that contains the script. To turn on compilation of script code again use the processing instruction <span class="code">&lt;?compile true?&gt;</span> (or short: <span class="code">&lt;?compile?&gt;</span>). The compile processing instruction can be used repeatedly to turn compilation of script code off and on.</p>
 646 <h4><a id="controller_method_event_handlers">Controller Method Event Handlers</a></h4>
 647 <p>A controller method event handler is a method defined by a document's "controller". A controller is an object that is associated with the deserialized contents of an FXML document and is responsible for coordinating the behaviors of the objects (often user interface elements) defined by the document.</p>
 649 <p>A controller method event handler is specified by a leading hash symbol followed by the name of the handler method. For example:</p>
 651 <pre class="code">
 652 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 653     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 654     &lt;children&gt;
 655         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="#handleButtonAction"/&gt;
 656     &lt;/children&gt;
 657 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 658 </pre>
 660 <p>Note the use of the <span class="code">fx:controller</span> attribute on the root element. This attribute is used to associate a controller class with the document. If <span class="code">MyController</span> is defined as follows:</p>
 662 <pre class="code">
 663 package com.foo;
 665 public class MyController {

 685 </pre>
 687 <p>Controllers are discussed in more detail in a later section.</p>
 689 <h4><a id="expression_handlers">Event handlers from expressions</a></h4>
 690 <p>Any expression that point to a <a href="#variable_resolution">variable</a> of javafx.event.EventHandler type
 691     can be used as an expression handler. </p>
 692 <p>
 693 Previous example using an expression handler:
 694 </p>
 695 <pre class="code">
 696 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 697     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 698     &lt;children&gt;
 699         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="$controller.onActionHandler"/&gt;
 700     &lt;/children&gt;
 701 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 702 </pre>
 704 <p> With the controller that contains a field like this </p>
 706 <pre class="code">
 707 public class MyController {
 709     &#64;FXML
 710     public EventHandler&lt;ActionEvent&gt; onActionHandler = new EventHandler&lt;&gt;() { ... }
 712     ...
 713 }
 714 </pre>
 716 <p> Note that other kinds of expressions, like <a href="#expression_binding">binding expressions</a>
 717     are not supported in this context. </p>
 719 <h4><a id="collections_and_property_handlers">Special handlers for collections and properties</a></h4>
 720 <p> Collections and object properties cannot be listen to using <span class="code">setOn<span class="variable">Event</span>()</span> methods.
 721     For these reason, special handler methods need to be used.
 722 <span class="code">ObservableList</span>, <span class="code">ObservableMap</span> or <span class="code">ObservableSet</span>
 723  uses a special <span class="code">onChange</span> attribute that points to a handler method with a <span class="code">ListChangeListner.Change</span>, <span class="code">MapChangeListener.Change</span> or <span class="code">SetChangeListener.Change</span> parameter respectively.
 724 </p>
 725 <pre class="code">
 726 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 727     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 728     &lt;children onChange="#handleChildrenChange"/&gt;
 729 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 730 </pre>
 732 where the handler method looks like this:

 749 <p>A handler for parent property would look like this</p>
 750 <pre class="code">
 751 public class MyController {
 752     public void handleParentChange(ObservableValue value, Parent oldValue, Parent newValue) {
 753         System.out.println("Parent changed!");
 754     }
 755 }
 756 </pre>
 758 <p>For convenience, the first parameter can be a subclass of <span class="code">ObservableValue</span>,
 759     e.g. <span class="code">Property</span></p>
 761 <p>For registering to a property, a special <span class="code">on&lt;propertyName&gt;Change</span>
 762 attribute must be used.</p>
 764 <pre class="code">
 765 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 766     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" onParentChange="#handleParentChange"/&gt;
 767 </pre>
 769 <p>Note that collections and properties do not currently support scripting handlers.</p>
 771 <h2><a id="scripting">Scripting</a></h2>
 772 <p>
 773 The <span class="code">&lt;fx:script&gt;</span> tag allows a caller to import scripting code into or embed script within a FXML file. Any JVM scripting language can be used, including JavaScript, Groovy, and Clojure, among others. Script code is often used to define event handlers directly in markup or in an associated source file, since event handlers can often be written more concisely in more loosely-typed scripting languages than they can in a statically-typed language such as Java.</p>
 775 <p>Scripts are compiled by default, when they are first loaded, if the <span class="code">ScriptEngine</span> implements the <span class="code">javax.script.Compilable</span> interface. If compilation fails, the <span class="code">FXMLLoader</span> will fall back to interpreted mode.</p>
 777 <p>Note: to turn off automatic compilation of script code place the processing instruction <span class="code">&lt;?compile false?&gt;</span> before the script element. To turn on compilation of script code again use the processing instruction <span class="code">&lt;?compile true?&gt;</span> (or short: <span class="code">&lt;?compile?&gt;</span>). The compile processing instruction can be used repeatedly to turn compilation of script code off and on.</p>
 779 <p>The following example markup defines a function called <span class="code">handleButtonAction()</span> that is called by the action handler attached to the <span class="code">Button</span> element:</p>
 781 <pre class="code">
 782 &lt;?language javascript?&gt;
 784 &lt;?import javafx.scene.control.*?&gt;
 785 &lt;?import javafx.scene.layout.*?&gt;
 787 &lt;VBox xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 788     &lt;fx:script&gt;
 790     function handleButtonAction(event) {
 791        java.lang.System.out.println('You clicked me!');
 792     }
 793     &lt;/fx:script&gt;
 795     &lt;children&gt;
 796         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="handleButtonAction(event);"/&gt;
 797     &lt;/children&gt;
 798 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 799 </pre>
 801 <p>Clicking the button triggers the event handler, which invokes the function, producing output identical to the previous examples.</p>
 803 <p>Script code may also be defined in external files. The previous example could be split into an FXML file and a JavaScript source file with no difference in functionality:</p>
 805 <div class="caption">example.fxml</div>
 806 <pre class="code">
 807 &lt;?language javascript?&gt;
 809 &lt;?import javafx.scene.control.*?&gt;
 810 &lt;?import javafx.scene.layout.*?&gt;
 812 &lt;VBox xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 813     &lt;fx:script source="example.js" charset="cp1252"/&gt;
 815     &lt;children&gt;
 816         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="handleButtonAction(event);"/&gt;
 817     &lt;/children&gt;
 818 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 819 </pre>
 821 <div class="caption">example.js</div>
 822 <pre class="code">
 824 function handleButtonAction(event) {
 825    java.lang.System.out.println('You clicked me!');
 826 }
 827 </pre>
 829 <p>It is often preferable to separate code from markup in this way, since many text editors support syntax highlighting for the various scripting languages supported by the JVM. It can also help improve readability of the source code and markup.</p>
 832 <p>Note that script blocks are not limited to defining event handler functions. Script code is executed as it is processed, so it can also be used to dynamically configure the structure of the resulting output. As a simple example, the following FXML includes a script block that defines a variable named "labelText". The value of this variable is used to populate the text property of a <span class="code">Label</span> instance:</p>
 834 <pre class="code">
 835 &lt;fx:script&gt;
 836 var myText = "This is the text of my label.";
 837 &lt;/fx:script&gt;
 839 ...
 841 &lt;Label text="$myText"/&gt;
 842 </pre>
 844 <p><strong>Warning:</strong> As of JavaFX 8, <span class="code">importClass()</span> javascript function is no longer supported. You have to use fully qualified names as in the example above or load a nashorn compatibility script.</p>

 846 <pre class="code">
 847 load("nashorn:mozilla_compat.js");
 848 importClass(java.lang.System);
 850 function handleButtonAction(event) {
 851    System.out.println('You clicked me!');
 852 }
 853 </pre>
 855 <h2><a id="controllers">Controllers</a></h2>
 856 <p>While it can be convenient to write simple event handlers in script, either inline or defined in external files, it is often preferable to define more complex application logic in a compiled, strongly-typed language such as Java. As discussed earlier, the <span class="code">fx:controller</span> attribute allows a caller to associate a "controller" class with an FXML document. A controller is a compiled class that implements the "code behind" the object hierarchy defined by the document.</p>
 858 <p>As shown earlier, controllers are often used to implement event handlers for user interface elements defined in markup:</p>
 860 <pre class="code">
 861 &lt;VBox fx:controller="com.foo.MyController"
 862     xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"&gt;
 863     &lt;children&gt;
 864         &lt;Button text="Click Me!" onAction="#handleButtonAction"/&gt;
 865     &lt;/children&gt;
 866 &lt;/VBox&gt;
 867 </pre>
 869 <pre class="code">
 870 package com.foo;
 872 public class MyController {
 873     public void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event) {
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